
Bill C-28/Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation

Do you email to Canada, from Canada, or have subscribers who may live part of the year in Canada? 

Anytime you use Canadian transmission lines to send electronic communications you should be aware of the new C-28/FISA bill that Canada is trying to pass into law.

Are you familiar with the US CAN SPAM laws?
Well there are several differences in this new Canadian law, namely:
  • It will put an expiration date on the opt-in of 18 months. If your subscribers opted-in more than 18 months ago, you would either need to ask for renewed permissions or STOP SENDING.
  • These new rules cover all electronic communications (email, SMS, IM, etc.)
  • This bill requires you as a marketer to be able to prove that the recipient Opt-in (instead of the CAN SPAM approach which only mandates an easy way to Opt-out.)
  • As a marketer, you must inform your subscribers on what they are going to receive.
For more info, here is a great site: http://www.inboxmarketer.com/Bill-C28.asp 

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Hi, I'm Stephanie

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Orlando, Florida, United States
I am an Email Marketing Strategist. I help people look at what they want to say and find the best way to say it. I specialize in Permissions Based Email Marketing and am professionally Certified in Email Marketing Best Practices for 2011-2012.