
Tips for using automated email campaigns well

Think of your automated email campaigns as the "automatic sprinklers" of your database.

It's all about Timing and Relevancy:
Set the timers for when your audience is thirsty for a message and you will maintain your engagement / healthiness of list.

Most popular auto campaigns?
  1. Welcome campaigns
  2. Thank you campaigns 
  3. Transactional campaigns
  4. Post purchase campaigns
  5. Upsell campaigns
  6. Activation campaigns
  7. Data triggered campaigns
But how do we go about setting up an auto campaign?
  • You must define what the ROI is for your current emails. See which ones carry the most weight and ROI and automate those. 
  • Plan for the messages: who/what/when/where/why. Jump in with clear intentions and it will be clearer to your audience. Only ask for information that you plan on using. 
  • Coordinate with your sales team. Leverage teamwork and facilitate buy in early in the creation process- this will lead to better results post drop. Don't forget to say thank you and celebrate your team. 
  • Re-purpose content- see where there are opportunities for inserting personal stories in your customer lifecycle. Look across departments for human stories people can really relate to. Paint your brand feel.

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Hi, I'm Stephanie

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Orlando, Florida, United States
I am an Email Marketing Strategist. I help people look at what they want to say and find the best way to say it. I specialize in Permissions Based Email Marketing and am professionally Certified in Email Marketing Best Practices for 2011-2012.